Sunday, August 2, 2009

Evening Sushi

It is quite insteresting how I have this obsession with sushi. I think I could probably have sushi every day of the week. It has become as common to me as a sandwich is to a preschooler. I can't help it, Sushi is the the absolute only food that I can eat and feel no remorse about at all. Paired back with sashimi it is the perfect combination of protein and carbs (assuming brown rice is requested for the rolls). I mean just think about it, protein, vegetables, brown rice and seaweed all wrapped into a nice neat editable roll. The perfect LIGHT lunch or dinner that leaves you feeling just as skinny as when you started. Only problem, when you start to enter into all the fancy rolls - and you must eventually. These are wher you might find yourself racking up the calories without realizing it. The fabulous sauces, tempura addition and all the other fancy ways you can alter the plan jane sushi. But hey just one roll of this type won't bust your belt. :)

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