Sunday, November 8, 2009

Move by FAITH

A child - hers a loud noise. She clings tightly to her mother because she knows where her safety presides.

You are an individual who cannot swim, so you put on a life jacket. You now have absolutely no fear about plummeting into the deep dark ocean.

You grab a bottle of water that says purified. Ah so refreshing.

You don't feel very well so you visit your local doctor. The diagnosis is irrelevant, but given the certificate on the wall and the recently prescribed medication you know that your ailment will cease.

Although you may not realize, you are constantly moving by faith. The child has faith that her mother will protect her. The non-swimmer has faith that the life jacket will prevail in the battle against the waves. The sick patient just knows the doctor will know what to do. Faith is how we operate - on a day to day basis. Mostly with out question. We are able to rely on what we find to be true, or proven. We see a certificate on the wall or a note that says purified and it is accepted as fact. So my question is this: Why do we have such a hard time putting our faith in God?

I must say this is a daily struggle for me as well. However I know this message is not just for me. I know that each day I am able to put my faith in material things, unreliable earthly things, and yet I still struggle with the simple idea of placing all my faith in God. I definitely have FAITH. I just know that I need to build it up to another level. A level which I can't even imagine at this point in my life. I need to know without a shadow of a doubt that all things are relative to God and he will carve out my path. I just have to have FAITH. ALL FAITH IN HIM. Nothing else. MY faith must be unrelenting, determined, steadfast and strong. This is the only way to help others in their quest for the same peace which comes with PURE FAITH.

So if this is a struggle for you to I leave you with this prayer:

Dear God,
Please help me to learn the FAITH which will leave me with no questions about leaning entirely on you. For you are my Rock, my life and the true path which I know I can follow. I just need extra strength today to be steady in my PURE FAITH for you.
In your name I pray! Amen!

Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen.

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